Tuesday, August 19, 2014


adumbrate - verb give to understand; describe roughly or briefly or give the main points or summary of
I adumbrated a draft before I started my final project.
apotheosis - noun the elevation of a person (as to the status of a god); model of excellence or perfection of a kind; one having no equal
The apotheosis of the player's attitude showed great sportsmanship.
ascetic - adj. practicing great self-denial; pertaining to or characteristic of an ascetic or the practice of rigorous self-discipline; noun someone who practices self denial as a spiritual discipline
Her ascetic values trained her to become a more responsible individual.
bauble - noun a mock scepter carried by a court jester; cheap showy jewelry or ornament on clothing
The bauble attracted the eyes of the audience.
beguile - verb attract; cause to be enamored; influence by slyness
The diamond beguiled me into buying it.
burgeon - verb grow and flourish
Flowers began to burgeon the newly planted garden.
complement - noun something added to complete or make perfect; either of two parts that mutually complete each other; a word or phrase used to complete a grammatical construction; number needed to make up a whole force; a complete number or quantity; one of a series of enzymes in the blood serum that are part of the immune response; verb make complete or perfect; supply what is wanting or form the complement to
The color lavender complements your skin tone.
contumacious - adj. wilfully obstinate; stubbornly disobedient
Her contumacious attitude angered her disciplinary parents
curmudgeon - noun a crusty irascible cantankerous old person full of stubborn ideas
Her conservative view points made her into a curmudgeon.
didactic - adj. instructive (especially excessively)
Her didactic directions allowed me to get to my destination within the short amount of time I had.
disingenuous - adj. not straightforward or candid; giving a false appearance of frankness
The disingenuous child frustrated the teacher who tried to resolve the fight between his students.
exculpate - verb pronounce not guilty of criminal charges
The judge exculpated the criminal.
faux pas - noun social blunder: an embarrassing mistake that breaks a social convention
She made a faux pax out of herself by making an inappropriate comment in a serious discussion.
fulminate - noun a salt or ester of fulminic acid; verb cause to explode violently and with loud noise; come on suddenly and intensely; criticize severely
Jane fulminated her friend for not being there for her when her dad passed away.
fustian - noun a strong cotton and linen fabric with a slight nap; pompous or pretentious talk or writing
Her fustian language made her look like an uneducated student.
hauteur - noun overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner toward inferiors
Her hauteur attitude backfired on her as many looked down on her for acting too prideful.
inhibit - verb limit the range or extent of; to put down by force or authority
The insurgents were inhibited by the army.
jeremiad - noun a long and mournful complaint
Her jeremiad made the teacher re-think about assigning the class another essay.
opportunist - adj. taking immediate advantage, often unethically, of any circumstance of possible benefit; noun a person who places expediency above principle
Be an opportunist when engaging in your classes.
unconscionable - adj morally unacceptable 
Her nonrelgious acts made the Christian view her as unconscionable.

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