Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Hamlet: Act 1 Scene 2

The late king Hamlet's death was recent. Claudius states that the kingdom mourns, recognize and mourn but move on. 
Hamlet's mom is married to his uncle king Claudius. She is still queen. Claudius directs the Danish's focus on forthinbas an outside source to blame
Hamlet: (Aside small mention) A little more than kin, and less than kind. In other words: I'm your nephew, ya, but don't call me son. Hamlet doesn't like Claudius. Does not allow others to know he's upset. 
Visage: facial expression
Cry, make faces, black clothes doesn't necessarily define someone's sad. Calling out others who go with the outside "appearance" of looking sad. 
Claudius: grow up it's unmanly. You're next in line but you're staying here not school. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. 
Polonias: king's advisor. Son is laertis. 
Into the mind of protagonist through his own words, first in American literature.
Hamlet: knows something is wrong, extremely mad
He would kill himself out of angry towards not wanting to see the injustice 
Bashing mom for betrayal and being a slut, married so quickly 
Hamlet questions the guards like an investigator, dispassionate. So angry and passionate in monologue and diplomat in the crowd but now seems almost nonchalant; all his responses are calculated. He's smart.

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