Monday, January 19, 2015

Hacking my Education/ English Homework

I missed the first week of school back from winter break. I learned things that school could have never taught me within four days. Outdoors School with ten other cabin leaders and enthusiastic sixth graders was one of the most memorable weeks as well as one of the most enriching experiences. This trip confirmed my passion for wanting to teach children as well wanting to help others just because. At my dining table a boy said, "Cactus (my nature name), you always seem happy." I replied back with a laugh and it was a great feeling knowing that my outward expression was just as joyous as how I felt on the inside. In that moment, I was really happy to be surrounded by bright kids who spoke their minds and were so excited to share new things they encountered that day. Getting to know cabin leaders was another joy. I got to meet awesome people who I knew of but did not really know. Through hikes, pictures, and free time, we were able to enjoy nature and get to know each other better. It's always enriching to meet new people with different lifestyles. 
Another interesting realization was of how visions change. I remember when I went to science camp in sixth grade, there were way too many kids to be comfortable around. The dining hall was huge, but when I walked into it this time, it was similar to the size of Righetti's cafeteria and not too overwhelming. The most interesting perspective change was on the last day when we learned that connections was the most important thing in nature. It's almost ironic how much of an impact the word has on me. I must have not realized it when I was a sixth grader, but as a senior that word has so much meaning to me. The relationships that I hold today is how I've become the person that I am today and because of those connections I am able to experience new adventures and meet people who give me new insight each day.


   Cabin Leaders

    Sixth graders! 

I plan to use this experience as a guide for this semester. Even this late in my high school career, I want to make an effort to meet new people. I want to be more passionate and curious about my education and do each assignment with care and thought just like the sixth graders did at science camp. 

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