Saturday, April 25, 2015

Macbeth Act IV Study Questions

1. There are three witches in this scene. 
2. The first apparition says to be wary of Macduff and careful of him. The second tells Macbeth he should be a strong willed ruler- bold and brace. In other words he should not accept defeat. The third warns of attacking armies coming, and tells Macbeth he won't be defeated until the kingdom of Norway attacks. Macbeth doesn't feel safe after the apparitions. He has worries about Macduff's intentions and the possibility of an oncoming attacking army. Yes he should feel unsafe because he is in a very precarious position. After the fourth, the line of kings, Macbeth is terrified. He saw the ghost of Banquo at the end, whom he killed. This frightened him as well as drawing out his guilt.
3. In line 158 Macbeth learns from Lennox that Macduff is running away to England. In response Macbeth decides to send someone try to kill as many of Macduff's family members as he can.
1. Lady McDuff seems to feel betrayed and angry at McDuff because he left them (her and her son) to die. She was advising her son to dislike his father because he fled when he discovered that Macbeth is planning to kill him.
2. The purpose of the scene between Lady McDuff and her son is to have his son have false impression about his dad. Also, the scene assists in the growth of the theme : fair is foul and foul is fair. This is because Macbeth is willing to kill McDuff in order to achieve what is"rightfully" his and McDuff fled, afraid of Macbeth's actions towards him. It also shows how McDuff's son refused to believe that his father left them to die, showing devotion, faith, and trust.
3. The entire McDuff family ends up being killed by Macbeth.
1. Macduff's family has been killed. 
2. Malcolm doesn't want to go home because he's afraid of judgement since he ran away. Malcolm is suspicious of Macduff bc Macduff has his own personal agenda. He might be secretly working for Macbeth since he left his family. Malcolm tests Macduff's loyalty to him and he passes. When Macduff starts to leave Malcolm takes back the lies he's told and trusts Macduff now- they're now allies. 
3. Malcolm says he's a bad king but Macduff says Macbeth is a way worse king and that he needs to return to restore peace and justice. Avarice bothers Macduff more in a king, it sticks deeper with kings in the terms of greed and lust. 
5 coming soon...
6. Ross tells Macduff that his family is dead, it takes him a while to tell him. Macduff says they must save their grief for later and Malcom says to turn their revenge into a medicine for their grief. Macduff says "he has no children" and he is referring to Malcom because he says he needs to mourn and "feel like a man" when Malcom tells him to dispute it like a man. To be a "man" in this play means to have feelings and don't hide but don't let them cloud your judgement.
7. Malcom, Macduff and Ross are ready to attack Macbeth's castle, they just need to go there.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Macbeth Act IV Notes

The three witches seem to be gathered around a cauldron saying chants/spells. They put in random, wierd ingredients: "Scale of dragon, tooth of wolf, witches' mummy, maw and gulf." 
Hectate enters then leaves stating, "oh well done!"
Macbeth appears (because of the spell?) and demands to know what is going on.
"Thunder" represents a sudden, quick entrance. Hectate and first apparition both enter then leave shortly after having delivered important info as well as the second and the third apparition.
First apparition appears and warns Macbeth of Macduff and the thane of Fife. 
Second apparition appears (bloody child) stating that a woman will not threaten his throne.
Macbeth declares Macduff must be killed.
Third apparition appears, a child with a crown, states that Macbeth will not be threatened until the Great Birnam wood to high Dunsinane hill appears. 
The witches then show eight kings, last is the ghost of Banquo. Macbeth immediately questions the meaning and the witches do not really answer him and disappear. 
Macbeth asks if Lennon saw the wierd sisters, claims he didn't. He gives news of Macduff fleeing to England. Macbeth claims that Macduff and those associated with him need to be killed. 
Lady Macduff questions to Ross why Macduff has "fly the land." 
Lady Macduff tells the son that his father is dead. He replies that he'll "act as birds do." He questions if his dad is a traitor but he questions the validity of it. 
Messenger arrives with news of danger. Murdets arrive asking the whereabouts of Macduff and stab the son after he exclaims that the murderers are lying when claiming his father as a traitor.
Malcolm and Macduff discuss the future of Scotland. After conversing, Malcolm trusts Macduff as an ally. Ross arrives with news that at first his family is safe but then tells the truth that they are dead. Malcolm is in shock and upset at first but then seems angry. 

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Macbeth Act III Notes

Banquo thinks of how the witches' vision came true, Macbeth is now king. He is invited by Macbeth and Lady Macbeth to their feast but before he'll go for a ride.
Macbeth wonders if Banquo's children will succeed the throne after him as he has the knowledge of the witches prophecy which seem to be true so far.
Macbeth provokes/ convinces the first murderer to kill Banquo.
Macbeth seems uneasy while he's talking to Lady Macbeth about Duncan's death. 
Banquo and Fleance approach with horses when the murderers kill Banquo while Fleance escapes. 
Macbeth and Lady Macbeth welcomes everybody. The murderer tells him what had happened. 
Macbeth is startled to find Banquo's ghost on his place. He is shaken and Ross states that they should leave but Lady Macbeth tries to tell others that they should stay to not offend him. Lennox states good night as Macbeth continues to act wierd. 
Hecate seems mad at the witches for talking to Macbeth.
Lennox explains what the wierd things that have happened to a Lord and he replies with news of Macduff 

Thursday, April 16, 2015


1. My peers of course!
2. Dr Preston
3. This website seems to be an expert on Shakespeare and his works:

Macbeth Character Map

I looked up multiple sources.
I found this one most accurate from what I've read so far and so easiest to understand:
This character map seemed fairly accurate as well and was very informative:

Macbeth Act II Study Questions

1. The opening gives a sense of forboding, things are not as they should be. The discussion serves to have Banquo acknowledge the weird sisters rather than claim they are a hallucination. 
2.  Macbeth is extremely stressed about having to Duncan and he is attempting to talk himself into committing the deed. He talks about it as if he is in a haze, a dream and he continues by making it a reality and committing the deed.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


I did my masterpiece over spring break! It was such a fun and eye opening experience. Hannah, Sierra and I went to the Boys and Girls Club and put on a three day camp for two hours each day. It most definitely gave me a taste of what life would be like as an elementary school teacher. The kids did test my patience and by the end of the two hours I was already exhausted but it was worth seeing the laughter in their eyes. The days didn't really go as planned. The first day was fun interacting with the kids through sports. Hannah had planned a scheduled soccer camp with drills but instead we decided to all play a scrimmage as a group picking teams and playing against each other. Not only did we play soccer but also basketball and baseball. We did this because their entertaininment was our priority.

 The next day, Sierra planned to have a fashion show with the kids making outfits of newspaper. And of course, the exact plan did not happen. We ended up making individual outfits and they also made ones for us. As entertaining as it was, the kids were also sensitive. Being more familiar with us, the kids would fight for our attention. Hannah made sunglasses for one kid and them every other kid wanted a pair too. I made a dress and soon every girl wanted to design one too. Sierra spent a good forty five minutes making an entire outfit for a boy. The kids were very rowdy and excited. Kids would come up pointing fingers that he stole my hat or he's using my tape. Each day seemed to get harder.

The last day, which was my day, was most definitely the most difficult day. I planned a fun game day with the kids. The first activity was building the tallest straw tower. I had planned on a friendly competition with candy for reward. It started off small with six kids so I had each kid make their own when the original plan was to have six teams but it would work. Then more kids showed up and I decided to have sessions because each kid wanted their own towers and I didn't bring enough straws. The first set of kids had 20 minutes and so on. That's when the name calling and competitive nature built. I was disciplining kids that it wasn't nice to be mean or to call names or to touch other's towers. The chaos built as we'd moved onto musical chairs. The Disney songs were great and they sang along but then kids began to be sensitive as they went out. As I ran the game, off to the corner, I saw two boys and with a girl crying in the corner. She left the room and the two boys looked at me innocently. It was hard for me to keep a serious face and discipline them. I got the two boys to understand that what they did was wrong and they apologized. The second big obstacle was over and I figured we needed to calm down and I put on a movie and of course there was a big argument over which movie. I put on Hotel Transylvania but some kids complained that they were halfway through the movie already. One kid immediately grabbed the remote and fastfowarded it. I kindly asked that he give me the remote and other kids began to back me up telling him to give it to me. Another boy tried to grab it out of his hand when he pushed his face away. I was very upset because that was absolutely unacceptable. I was going to have him go the time out but just in time a supervisor came in and took care of it. The day built as it continued within two hours. I would be lying if I said it was a piece of cake but looking at the picture as a whole was a good thing. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Macbeth Act I Study Questions

1. Beginning the play with a dialogue between the witches sets the mood to be dark, evil, and mysterious. This foreshadows the plot, theme, and mood for the future of the story in the same manner. In comparison of Shakespeare's other plays, Macbeth requires more ambiguity and the syntax and diction used needs to be more bleak. For example, Hamlet highlighted the themes of betrayal and complexity of relationships and power. Even though, the theme falls in the same ballpark with Macbeth, the gloominess of the plot of Macbeth overpowers that of Hamlet. In the beginning of the play, the witches were going to meet Macbeth at the "ere of sunset." Line 10 was "Paddock calls" and line 11 was "Anon." The phrase paddock class means a toad, which symbolizes transformation. The word anon means soon or shortly. The "toad" and it's transformation could metaphorically be compared to Macbeth and his evolving and transforming to be a completely different person or even having a transformation in his status and power. The witch's response as anon signifies how Macbeth will shortly have a transformation - to be declared a thane. 
1. The bloody seargent indirectly characterizes Macbeth by glorifying his actions towards Macdonwald. Macdonwald is a rebel who was executed. He tried to attack them. Macbeth executed macdonwald with his sword. This did not end the fight with the rebels, the Norwegians are still attacking.
2. The traitor was the Thane of Cawdor, as we learn from Ross. Duncan says that its a relief the thane of cawdor was executed and that Macbeth now owns his previous title.
1. The witches speech gives a first look at Macbeth and his wife without saying who they are. Indirect characterization of the two. Similar to Hamlet where he gives a mini synopsis early in the story. "Weird" in Shakespeare's day meant future seers not weird as we know it, prophecy and destiny. Shakespeare means that Macbeth's wife has him by the balls. They  cast a spell to control his destiny. 
2. Macbeth says something very similar to what the witches said at the beginning of the play. This could be him falling into the destiny the witches set up. Dried, chapped fingers, gender ambiguity, hairy, old, they have literal beards. The witches tell Macbeth that he will thane of Candor and eventually King, right then he finds out he is thane of Cawdor. Banquo asked the witch why they had nothing for him, they told him he is lesser but greater than Macbeth. We knew he was thane before he was thane.
3. Banquo says the witches were a figment of their imagination that they lie or that they are hallucinating. Macbeth learns that he is thane of Cawdor from Ross and Angus. During lines 114-156 he was going over his plan in his head and how everything had just happened to him. He acts very happy and shows no incredulity at being thane. Macbeth's aside shows him rationalizing what happened to him and he begins to think that he is going to be King soon. Macbeth tells Banquo that he is happy and excited and nothing more he explains his behavior by saying he is confused.
1.Cawdor was executed after openly confessing his treason and pleading for mercy. Malcolm tried to stick up for the thane, but the king responds by basically saying that you can't trust a man according to his face. He doesn't believe the thane was truly repentant.
2.The king greets them by saying that he can never repay them enough for their good deeds, but announces he will leave all his estate and names his son, Malcolm, prince of Cumberland. He then proposes that they go to Macbeth's castle at Inverness. Macbeth tells himself that the only way to be king is to get rid of Malcolm, and even though he'll be appalled at his action, he must do it.
1. Macbeth was honest with his wife when he informs her of his new title as "Thane of Cawdor." He refers to the witches as "weird sisters" probably because he doesn't want her know that he is associated with the "evil servants."
Lady Macbeth responds by saying that she thinks Macbeth is playng things off as if everything is fine. By saying "but be the serpent under't", she describes him as someone that lies to make everything appear under control. This doesn't really match the characterization of Macbeth so far in the story which implies that there is something the audience doesn't know about him. 
2. The wife was confident about the guests visit. She also seemed prepared and a little cocky about the way her and her husband would handle it.
3. Lady Macbeth. Yes she wants to kill Duncan. No, he isn't sure whether he wants to follow through with Lady Macbeths orders or not. She tells him not to let Duncan see tomorrow. 
4. The question appears to answer itself. 
1. The opening speeches (1.6.1-10) describe how the surroundings of the castle are "pleasant" and the air is sweet-maybe even too sweet. From the outside, the castle appears to be paradise.
Lady Macbeth's welcome is formal. Her language is totally different from her language in the previous scene which shows how fake and dishonest her welcome was.
1. "If it were done when 'tis done then 'twere well." If it were done when it was done it was done well. (Meaning if he completed the death quickly and efficiently and with no complications then he did the job well.) Macbeth is determined to kill the king and be done with him but in lines 1-12 he is fearful of how the "inventor" will judge his actions. He's violating the hospitality of his kinship and responsibilities as a host towards his guest by trying to kill his guest instead of protecting them. The motivation that Macbeth attributes to himself in lines 25-28 is the attribute of an Arabic heaven-like God. He will be seen as a "God" and that is his source of motivation to get the job done. 
2. In lines 28-30 she is complaining about him leaving the chamber because it was  almost time for dinner. Macbeth responds to her complaining by saying did he ask for me? And lady Macbeth says don't you know he did? The positions are lady Macbeth is ready for the King to be killed while Macbeth is still hesitant and on the fence about it. Macbeth convinced Lady Macbeth by explaining that he is an respected person and doesn't want to lose his honor while Lady Macbeth convinces Macbeth by convincing him to gain the power and kill the king. The stronger person in the scene is Lady Macbeth because  she's more verbally confident in her argument while convincing Macbeth to kill the King. 

Sunday, April 12, 2015

"Young Goodman Brown" Essay

Self doubt leads to questioning the past and present but also to fearing what is to come. Often times, a conclusion is not met as a circle of confusion builds and one question leads to another. In "Young Goodman Brown," the last "evil purpose" changes Goodman Brown into a doubting individual whose visions on his previous judgements and religious commitments change. His past acknowledges what is right and what is wrong but after his trip, his guilty conscience causes him to see light differently. 
In "Young Goodman Brown," the reoccurring theme is good vs evil. In the beginning, Goodman Brown seems to hold a strong view of what is right and what is wrong when he feels the guilt of leaving his wife, Faith. He knows of his guilt and tries to alleviate them, but the guilt is soon pushed aside in place of suspicion and a sort of obsession of finding out "the truth." During and after, he struggles to decipher good vs evil and feels an urge to identity the people of Salem as one or the other. His uncertainty, controls his life as he struggles to believe what he had always put his faith in and instead, questions his present and future.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

"Dover Beach" Essay

Prompt: Write a well-organized essay in which you analyze how the poem's organization, diction, and figurative language prepare the reader for the speaker's concluding response.
I selected this prompt because the overall description of the elements of Dover Beach together conveyed the author's meaning.
The speaker in "Dover Beach" conflicts over the changing beauty of nature but most importantly, the changing natures of humanity itself. The confusion and constant conflicts are shown through shifts and the usage of juxtaposition. The silent appreciation of the beauty of nature at night is overtaken by the cold waves that disturb the "tranquil bay." This contrast correlates with the theme in that sudden hatred is built against mankind towards each other as greed builds through "the high strand." The "naked shingles" symbolize the raw emotions that are hid behind the "breath of the night wind" in which most do not reveal. The reference to Sophocles sheds light to the Greek myth on human destruction which is what the author is hinting that the world is coming to: man vs man. In the context of the poem as a whole, the author is suggesting that faith in humanity needs to be restored rather than pointing fingers at others and being quick to blame.